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Prumatech is one of the leading Focussed Materials and Maintenance Management Solutions Provider Organisations


The concept of outsourcing non - core business activities has gained momentum as companies re-engineer, re-shape and apply more focus to core competencies. Many organizations have realized that outsourcing provides a number of significant advantages and benefits that are valuable in today's marketplace.

Alignment of business drivers is crucial to ensure that the relationship and trust between the client and the service provider is allowed to develop. If it has been a challenge for your organisation to find the right service provider with the expertise, experience and flexibility, then it has come to an end.

Prumatech, with its enviable track record, provides solutions in Operations, Maintenance and Materials. We help you devise strategies that ensure all your vital assets perform to their potential.

Our approach is simple - focus on the fundamentals as we seek to operate facilities as they were designed and intended to be operated. We hire motivated people, develop effective procedures and programs, train our employees in their implementation, and seek continuous improvement.

We work closely with our clients to integrate our services with their day-to-day operations. We build strong partnerships with our customers to help them improve performance, increase productivity and control costs. Our results-driven processes enable us to deliver the highest-quality service at a competitive price.

Operations & Maintenance (O & M)

In Operations & Maintenance (O&M), we provide full field Operations and totally integrated Maintenance management to customers. With people capable of being deployed worldwide, our teams provide in-depth and direct support, harnessing our complete range of skills, systems and experience to operate, maintain and modify customer assets.

Materials Management

The criticality of spare parts management cannot be understated. Proper planning and control of spare parts inventory is a critical component of an effective asset management program. If the right parts are not on hand when needed for routine maintenance or repairs, downtime is prolonged. If too many parts are on hand, the enterprise absorbs excessive costs and the overhead of carrying the inventory.

Prumatech has tried and proven strategies to manage spare parts in support of effective asset management. Our best practices in Spare Parts Management ensure that you reach your strategic goals and help achieve cost reduction.

For our range of services in Materials Management please click here

Maintenance Management Solutions - PSPL

To ensure optimum plant performance, equipment must be operated and maintained within its performance and maintenance parameters. Modern equipment tends to be more complex in nature, relying on sensitive control and operating systems. Therefore, the type of maintenance required is somewhat different to that required previously and cannot be met by a conventional maintenance crew.

The above factors, along with the increasingly competitive nature of business, have triggered an entirely new approach in the area of maintenance engineering. The need for a large permanent force of maintenance technicians, each specializing in a different trade is no longer considered tenable.

Prumatech offers its clients experienced technical manpower with integrated skills. We have drawn our technical expertise from various industrial sectors such as Refinery, Petrochemicals, Cement, Power Generation, Fertilizers, Bulk drugs, Sugar and Mining & Metallurgical Companies.

  • Operation & Maintenance Services
  • Turnkey Turnaround Maintenance and Machinery overhauls
  • Relocation of Plants
  • Electrical Projects
  • Warehousing Operations
  • EPC Client Operational Support Services
  • Recruitment / Resource Services
  • Maintenance Audits
  • Reliability Centered Maintenance
  • Risk Based Maintenance
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Failure Analysis
  • Criticality Analysis
  • Operation & Maintenance Services

    Prumatech has the capability to handle Total Operation & Maintenance and Shutdown needs of continuous process plants and power plants. Prumatech has a pool of skilled manpower on its rolls that are available at short notice for undertaking O&M and shutdown jobs in a timely manner. The tasks are carried out to a high quality using specialised equipment as required. We have a very experienced pool of engineers who support and guide field teams on all technical matters. In addition to standard equipment such as pumps, motors etc., we also have the necessary capabilities to take up specialty equipment maintenance such as turbines, compressors, high-pressure vessels, heat exchangers etc.Some of the activities involved in the preparation of O&M and Shutdown Maintenance offers are:

  • sting in estimating and providing manpower requirement for the whole complex
  • Preparing templates of the core technical team
  • Mobilising suitable personnel for each of the positions
  • Orienting and training personnel to suit the needs of the client's plant
  • Carrying out O & M or Shutdown activities as per the applicable codes and practices, approved standard maintenance procedures, equipment service sheet and O&M /Shutdown manual guidelines
  • Adopting Safety, Health and Environmental measures after evaluating each plant's requirement. Developing and incorporating safety procedures for plant operations. Introducing safety permit to avoid accidents.
  • Developing log sheets, shift reports and MIS for posterity and review, analysis of process data.
  • Adopting NDT and Condition Monitoring Techniques to monitor the condition of the equipment so that corrective actions can be taken. This reduces breakdowns and unplanned shutdowns. Preparing comprehensive preventive maintenance schedules
  • Applying the concept of opportunity maintenance i.e. taking advantage of any unexpected situations.
  • Developing start up and shut down procedures for all systems and equipment.
  • Preparing Do's and Don'ts for all systems
  • Preparing operating manuals for the benefit and reference of operating personnel. This eliminates mal-operations for lack of equipment knowledge.
  • Preparing annual maintenance plans. Integrating maintenance activities with the shut down that may arise on account of statutory requirements, raw material outages, and catalyst renewals.
  • Developing standards with procedures for rationalising jobs done by different technicians. Maintaining history cards for all equipment.
  • Establishing procedures/standards for chemical analysis.
  • Establishing a high on-stream factor, load factor and MBF and hence achieve low maintenance and spares cost. Attaining comparative results against benchmarks established for each type of industry.
  • Turnkey Turnaround Maintenance and Machinery overhauls

    The need for experienced technical personnel always goes up during turn around periods and the work load on the internal maintenance staff of many Companies is stretched to its limits. Prumatech can provide the required peak resource levels in all the disciplines required during shutdowns. This will ensure that the Shut down Turnaround Maintenance is a stress free time for all concerned.It can also provide the means by which the progress of the entire project can be monitored together with a computerized follow-up package.

    PRUMATECH has formulated four specialist groups to cater to the needs of turn around maintenance of Plants.

  • Reciprocating Equipment Group
  • Reciprocating Equipment Group staffed by experienced Professional Personnel provide Turnkey Services for Preparations of Field remedial measure and major maintenance of reciprocating compressors.Preparation and execution of Preventive Maintenance Programs consisting of formal schedules and task implementation.

    Refurbishment of reciprocating compressor, from cylinder resizing, instrument control calibration, modernization, complete removal, relocating alignment and regrouting the same with necessary pipe connection.

  • Rotating Equipment Group
  • Rotating Equipment Group provides the technical supervision and mechanical personnel whom Provide specialist maintenance and assist in planning scheduling and executing the refurbishment of rotating machinery during planned Turnaround.

    Perform major and minor inspection overhauls and remedial maintenance of steam turbines and centrifugal compressor and blower. Restore the equipment to the original equipment and manufacturer specification to lessen the frequency of overhaul.

  • Instrumentation & Electrical Group
  • Retrofit and upgrade of machinery instrument and controls system of machinery functions or outages Installation and commissioning of new control panel or main control panel.

    Servicing of control valves and reconditioning of the instrument control valves Erection of process control instruments and commissioning the same.

  • Static Equipment Group
  • ServicingInspection services at vendor site during manufacturing activities, Pressure testing of vessels and heat exchangers.

    Relocation of Plants

    It is truly the Globalisation Era now and this requires many an Organisation to dismantle and relocate its plant to a more conducive business environment. This requires considerable expertise. Prumatech, with its mixture of plant engineering and materials experience is in a unique position to provide the requisite skill base for such complex tasks.
    By virtue of its plant engineering and materials management expertise (specialization) PRUMATECH can handle plant relocation work (including offshore too onshore) with ease. PRUMATECH adopts a five pronged approach to plant relocations.

  • Equipment Audit for Usability and Maintainability
  • Refurbishment
  • Failure Analysis
  • Erection & commissioning and follow up
  • Indigenisation of Spare Parts
  • Electrical Projects

    In the field of power projects we render assistance in Electrical Engineering in the following areas:

  • High Voltage Substation
  • Industrial Electrification
  • Project & Process Electrification
  • Fire Engineering

  • Our Services includes:

    1. Design and Engineering services for all associated electrical works from 11 KV to 220 KV
    2. Engineering services for extension of substation
    3. Design and Detailed engineering services for Fire Protection System
    4. Preparation of Design and Drawings for substation
    5. Preparation of Cable schedule and Interconnection diagram
    6. To carry out the Plant study on the electricals including illumination level system in any industry to cater to Safety and Statutory requirements
    7. To carry out the Testing and Commissioning of substation equipments in diverse Industrial sectors including Installation as the case may be

    In addition to the above services, we also carry out the energy audit and conservation studies from concept to implementation of Energy Conservations in the field of Thermal and Electrical Energy through our Associates.

    Our Associates have worked with major industries such as Cement, Petrochemical, Heavy Engineering etc., and Commercial Complexes. They have the necessary approvals from Tamil Nadu Electricity Board for conducting energy audit both in HT industries and Commercial establishments.

    We conduct Maintenance Training Programme on:

  • Electrical Power Distribution System
  • Major Electrical Equipment like Transformers, drives and Controls, Lighting etc.
  • Electrical System protection
  • HVAC System
  • Warehousing Operations

    Managing of all supplies and equipment used to support a plant or agency calls for an involved effort. We undertake responsibilities involving the management, from acquisition to disposal, of these. Our capability and responsibilities towards this include procurement, receipt, storage, control, issuance, inventory, and delivery of material.

    The major functions that we provide include:

  • Procure, Receive, issue, ship and arrange stock in proper location using machinery as needed.
  • Inspect items for conformance with specifications.
  • Conduct inventories and maintain inventory records and reports.
  • Confer with department heads, vendors, and outside agencies concerning purchases, deliveries, and acceptability of supplies.

  • Our warehousing specialists have knowledge and experience in all areas pertaining to Warehouse Management.

    EPC Client Operational Support Services

    Prumatech provides clients with access to a full range of services, tailored to meet the operational requirements of both new and existing plants. Our services extend into areas often falling between the responsibilities of the client the EPC contractor and the end user. It is important that these areas are identified and addressed at the early stages of the FEED/EPC contract.

    Prumatech is able to provide the necessary engineering resources to review and assist clients in the development of the overall Asset Management Plan, to address Operations and Maintenance Implementation and provide the necessary systems and procedures to support the Operations establishment team during the early phase of the project through to long term operations.

    Recruitment / Resource Services

    Through a unique combination of competencies, knowledge and experience, Prumatech also offers Manpower services, be it permanent staffing or secondment on a short term basis. Our relationships with a number of International recruitment companies combined with in-house recruitment capability enables us to offer clients a truly global recruitment service, specialising in the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Refinery, Fine Chemicals and Power & Energy Industry. We offer experienced engineers and consultants to work in client project teams on all project phases.

    Disciplines addressed are Project Management, Procurement, Planning, Cost Control, Contract Management, Basic Engineering, Detailed CAD Design, Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Start-up and Operations including maintenance. Our aim is to support client project teams with our experienced staff or to provide recruitment services to client organisations world wide.

    Maintenance Audits

    Prumatech's trained consultants will evaluate thoroughly the current maintenance strategies that have been adopted. This study will help in arriving at the gap between what is being followed and what is desired as far as maintenance practices are concerned. We do not limit ourselves as critics in arriving at the Gaps - we also provide solutions with the corrective measures that need to be taken to improve the overall health of the plant by adopting best of breed maintenance practices.

    Reliability Centered Maintenance

    Reliability-Centered Maintenance is a method for developing and selecting maintenance design alternatives, based on safety, operational and economic criteria. It is a method by which operators can use its failure data, system design redundancies and operating experiences to develop a flexible and effective maintenance system.

    Prumatech has the expertise and experience of executing RCM by making use of pre selected commercial tools for this service. RCM will enable you to optimize the operational reliability of plant equipment. The process by which we select a reliability strategy is very systematic and logical.

    Risk Based Maintenance

    Risk-Based Maintenance (or RBM) uses the identical functional description of systems, sub-systems, functional failures and failure modes that RCM employs but it is different in that the criticality class is replaced with an explicit risk calculation. Some of the benefits of adopting a RBM include improved Safety and Reduced Risk, long-Term Cost Saving, improved Inspection and Maintenance Planning. In addition RBM also helps in making informed decisions

    Condition Monitoring

    Condition Monitoring is frequently used as a Predictive or Condition-Based Maintenance technique. There is an increasing use of Condition Monitoring techniques to highlight potential equipment problems.

    Condition Monitoring is the use of advanced technologies in order to determine equipment condition, and potentially predict failure. We provide services such as Vibration Measurement and Analysis which ensure avoiding unnecessary stopping and opening of an equipment, equipment life extension through trend monitoring.

    Failure Analysis

    At the time of refurbishment Prumatech will study the wear pattern and failure phenomenon of components which failed in the past. To avoid its recurrence a detailed failure analysis is carried out using techniques like Failure Modes Effective Analysis (FMEA) and appropriate design changes to enhance the reliability of the components are suggested.

    Criticality Analysis

    Prumatech have developed spreadsheets with fields to enter the key factors in order to calculate the criticality of system and individual equipment.

    The process is very simple and takes very little time to determine the criticality. We have experience in applying modern tools like IDEF (Integrated DEFinition method) to develop the functional block diagrams and precisely calculate the criticality.

    Materials Management Solutions - PIPL

    The services offered by Prumatech Infosystems include:

  • Materials Master Data Preparation and Enrichment
  • Material Coding
  • Inventory Solutions
  • Equipment Master Data preparation
  • Creation of Common Service Master
  • Information Technology Services
  • Materials Master Data Preparation and Enrichment

    Even the best of breed materials management system will be rendered ineffective if insufficient thought and effort goes into preparation of Master Data. This data has a direct bearing on the transactions that are carried out.

    Prumatech, with its extensive experience of preparing Catalogues and its association with Shell, is capable of preparing a catalogue that is world class. We are capable of preparing catalogues based on the old style of Line based as well as the current trend of Noun modifier format. We do not believe in a "single solution fits all" strategy. A thorough study is made of the existing or proposed Materials Management System to understand the client needs. Based on this an optimum cataloguing solution is developed

    We also assist you in Vendor Master Data preparation. The importance of having a scientific vendor master is well known. It enables a lesser lead time and also purchase of the right material.

    Whatever be your choice of Materials Management system, Prumatech is confident of ensuring that the Materials and Vendor master meet your exacting standards.

    Other services offered to enrich your data include:

    Data Cleansing : We detect, remove and/or correct data that is incorrect, out-of-date, redundant or incomplete. This ensures that there is data integrity, leading to optimum performance of the system.

    Data Enrichment : We add value to data to make it highly structured. We structure the source data with reference from the manufacturer's catalogue or through other resources.

    Structured Cataloguing, whereby classification of material data is carried out based on the noun and modifier system of cataloguing and data is structured according to standard attributes.

    Standardization of data is executed by applying standard values and information with reference to international standards for generic/standard items

    .We also help in Cross referencing of items i.e. identifying equivalent item from a different manufacturer, identification of a similar item with almost the same specifications from a different manufacturer.

    Material Coding

    A scientific Material Coding System offer benefits such as:

  • Achieving uniqueness in the existing stock
  • Avoiding duplication
  • Easy identification by the end user
  • Ease of procurement by extension or derivation of the existing code to the current requirement
  • Categorising the item accurately

  • We adopt a Logical and Auto coding to classify products and services by following international systems such as MESC (Material and Equipment Standards and Code), UNSPSC (The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) etc.

    Our role does not end with the preparation of a structured material coding system. We also provide support services for remote online material catalogue maintenance, updating etc. In other words, we take complete responsibility of your cataloguing needs thereby freeing your valuable manpower for more important activities.

    Inventory Solutions

    We offer a wide range of services to study and assess the health of your current Inventory Management processes. Some of these include:

  • Develop and document effective procedures
  • Physical Inventory verification and Stock Reconciliation
  • Estimation of value of current inventory
  • Estimation of excess inventory
  • Study and arrive at optimum stock levels to be held
  • Arriving at Appropriate re order levels based on consumption
  • Studying the effectiveness of Vendors' performance
  • Shelf life and ageing analysis
  • Creation and review of Spare Parts Inter Changeabi
  • Inventory analysis like FSN, ABC etc.
  • Equipment Master Data preparation

    Irrespective of the Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) selected, Data format plays a vital role as it affects the information when queried. The data entry should be consistent for the system to be effective and give the valid and correct information when a query is given or when a report or a graph is requested by the end user.

    It is very important to know how to collect data, track data, reconfigure and analyze the information. Data collection and Data entry needs a proper plan. User should know how, why, when and where conditions are to be applied on data. This will give an idea on the data collection and Data entry.

    Prumatech has a talented pool of Engineers who help in this data preparation activity. This ensures that your Engineers are free to carry on with their core activities. We have the experience of Data preparation for some of the leading CMMS applications.

    Creation of Common Service Master

    Prumatech has the experience and capability to develop a comprehensive and effective Service Master that provides for contractual and procurement solutions including:

  • Consolidated list defining various services performed by the contractors in the plant
  • Preparation of a Uniform Structure / Definition among various plants of an organization to ensure standardization of service description and removal of duplicates.
  • Review Schedule of Rates (SOR's) from all Plants
  • Segregate the Services in to their respective categories and groups.
  • Frame Hierarchy for each category and group. Higher and Lower Services are identified and linked thus creating a coding structure.
  • Service descriptions are updated with complete specifications, short text is prepared specifying Service Item/ area of Work/Specification

  • Companies make significant investments in their physical assets and these need to be properly maintained to operate efficiently. A well-maintained facility provides a safe and productive work environment while creating lasting value. At the same time Global competitiveness necessitates close monitoring of performances and the need to continuously improve in all potential areas. Hence there has been a paradigm shift from Reactive Strategy to Proactive Strategy. Our consultants have the required experience in reliability and maintenance management.

    Information Technology Services

    Prumatech 's Information Technology Division in Chennai, India is dedicated to providing support to Materials and Maintenance Management offering the following services:

  • Development of software and tools for Maintenance & Materials
  • Data mapping and restructuring
  • Data conversion/transcription work such as CMT /INTERMAT and formatted text
  • Creation and development of ESPIRs

  • Prumatech has set up a Client Server environment with multimedia capabilities and CAD facilities and latest software in Chennai, India as well as in Abu Dhabi to provide the requisite services to industry, particularly, for Materials and Maintenance Management.

    Our Associates